Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are found to have not only positively impacted the social capital and economic empowerment of the members but also generated positive social externalities. The vision of the Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company could be stated as :
"Create a socio-economically developed Gujarat through inclusive growth strategies for empowering the underprivileged members of vulnerable communities/groups, resulting in them leading a dignified life."
The GLPC, while working towards the challenging vision of empowerment of poor women, has to ensure realization of this vision through participatory means and by convergence of prevalent government developmental schemes. The mission of the company could be stated as :
"We strive to serve the underprivileged women as well as members of vulnerable communities/groups in the state by organizing and capacitating their Groups and creating sustainable livelihoods. We ensure convergence of prevalent development programmes and schemes as well as forge partnerships with other non-government organizations and corporate houses for inclusive growth and the empowerment of the members of the groups served. In order to provide quality member-services, we strive to remain financially sound and secure. We will work towards establishing ourselves as a unique organization with deep abiding human values and maintaining the same."