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Welcome to Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company (GLPC)

Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company (GLPC) is the executive arm of Mission Mangalam, the implementation agency for NRLM. It has been registered under The Companies Act, 1956.

GLPC works through strategic partnership between large industries and SakhiMandals / Self Help Groups / Producer Groups / Service Groups / Collectives of the poor, through decentralized Micro Enterprise Ventures. The promoting companies / entrepreneurs redesign the process where intensive tasks as job-works are undertaken by Self Help Groups in their respective homes or villages as self-employment activities. Main objectives of GLPC are

  • Empowering the Poor by organizing them into SHGs/Federations/other Collectives.
  • Empower the poor through ensuring access to Financial Services.
  • Augmenting existing livelihoods and enhancing incomes.
  • Explore livelihood opportunities through newer ventures in rural service sector.
  • Developing Inclusive Value Chains.